Company Information

Company Name Egoah LLC (Japanese: 合同会社Egoah)
Address 〒190-0033, 6-18-11 Ichibancho, Tachikawa City, Tokyo
Phone Number (+81) 42-569-6695
FAX (+81) 42-569-6696
Established May 10, 2018
Representative Eiji Morikawa
Capital 3 million yen


Construction Business License

Tokyo Governor, Permit (General-5) No. 157977
Building construction, Carpentry work, Plastering, Scaffolding, Masonry work, Roofing work
Piping work, Tile/brick/block work, Steel structure work, Reinforcing bar work
Sheet metal work, Glass work, Painting work, Waterproofing work, Interior finishing work
Thermal insulation work, Joinery work, Demolition work


  • Real Estate

    Real estate ownership and management

  • Construction

    Interior and exterior work, HVAC and sanitation facilities

  • Building Management

    Building inspections, Sanitation maintenance, Fire prevention equipment inspections

  • Retail

    Sales of construction materials, HVAC and sanitation equipment, housing equipment

  • Marketing

    Planning and implementation of marketing strategies

  • System Development

    Planning, development, and operation of business management systems